Entreprise - Indépendance Enreprise-Indépendance

Bulletin périodique de l'AEEI

Association pour l'Esprit d'Entreprise et l'Indépendance

Novembre 1999

Réservé aux membres de l'association.

Le puzzle prend forme
Après TELECOM 99 on sait que les télécommunications modernes seront "connecté librement en permanence au monde entier". Il est rare d'avoir un si joli exemple de la transformation de notre monde et du bouleversement des mentalités qui en découle.

"Connecté librement en permanence au monde entier" nous est encore inconcevable : nous devons payer pour nous connecter (taxe initiale minimale), payer plus cher si c'est plus loin et payer encore plus cher si ça dure longtemps !

"Connecté librement en permanence au monde entier" et ne payer que le volume du trafic ? Comment est-ce possible ?

- Experience the future of Internet voice communications--for free--with award winning MediaRing Talk 99, a powerful Internet voice communication tool that enables you to talk one-on-one, send voice messages and 'chat' with text. http://smallbiz.symantec.com/sym23.cfm?JID=4&PID=144355

Le but du Bulletin périodique n'est pas de faire de la théorie, mais d'ouvrir nos yeux et nos oreilles à des opportunités. Pour les voir il faut aussi accepter qu'elles existent. Cette fois, l'exemple est si clair : les télécommunications modernes sont "packet-switched" au lieu de "circuit-switched". Elles ne se servent plus de lignes qui relient les correspondants mais d'un réseau auquel tous sont connectés et sur lequel les informations circulent par "packet" adressable.

Quelle importance ? C'est lorsque 25 % de la population est connectée à l'Internet que s'amorce la réaction, telle une réaction nucléaire qui passe le stade critique. C'est toute la différence entre l'exubérance du le marché américain et le scepticisme en Suisse.

Les régions métropolitaines les plus "branchées" avec le pourcentage des adultes dans chacune d'elles qui répondirent qu'ils étaient en ligne:
San Francisco
Austin, Texas
Salt Lake City
Dallas/Ft. Worth
Los Angeles
Norfolk, Va.
- Associated Press

Conclusion : chez nous l'Internet est encore un champ d'opportunité pour artisans (informaticiens et autres techniciens) et pas pour commerçants !

Mais n'oublions pas que vendre reste le moteur du succès de toute entreprise :

-Are you a sales whiz? You'd better become one if you want to have a more successful business. Having a good sales strategy doesn't mean you have to be pushy, insincere or impolite. There are new, more effective techniques for building your customer base. Find out how to increase your bottom line today! http://smallbiz.symantec.com/sym23.cfm?JID=1&PID=144355

En attendant de mettre en chantier la rénovation de notre site, il faut relever qu'il offre l'avantage d'un moteur de recherche à ses visiteurs. Ceux-ci ne doivent pas nécessairement connaître son arborescence et comprendre sa structure pour mieux s'en servir mais ils peuvent trouver directement ce qui les intéresse.

Si de nouvelles contributions ou de nouveaux thèmes vous intéressent : nous pouvons continuer à les développer dans le cadre actuel.

Et mes propres impressions après avoir trempé mes vieux os dans l'eau chaude de Leukerbad, et aussi avoir baigné dans l'atmosphère d'une commune en faillite, j'ai retrouvé mes amis et parmi eux ce maire d'une petite commune vaudoise pour lui demander son sentiment.

Nous avions croisé, et les promenades avec les chiens donnent l'occasion de rencontres, un couple un peu âgé qui habitait Leukerbad, et qui nous avaient dit sentir tout le poids de cette faillite : le travail de toute leur vie, sous la forme d'un établissement (hôtel ou restaurant) ne leur permettra plus de rentrer dans leur pays (l'Italie vraisemblablement), car l'endettement de la commune rend impossible de le vendre pour rien.

Mon ami le maire m'a répondu qu'après avoir bien géré sa commune pendant tant de législatures, il regrettait de ne pas avoir fait plus de dettes, car sa commune était maintenant classée parmi les communes les plus riches et elle devait payer pour les autres - pour celles qui avaient fait d'immenses investissements comme Leukerbad. Il a ajouté qu'il critiquait que ce soit la Presse qui fasse la loi chez nous.

Nous ne faisons pas ici de politique. Chacun peut penser ce qu'il veut. Je suis heureux de retrouver la navigation sur l'Internet et d'oublier ce que j'ai ressenti après mon passage à Leukerbad. Retrouver la liberté, le dynamisme, l'esprit d'entreprise et la prospérité. Découvrir qui sont les Christophe Colomb, les Vasco de Gama et autres aventuriers du nouveau continent, en voici des personnalités, à part Bill Gates : Paul Allen, Jim Clark, Steve Jobs. Voir le livre "The New New Thing" by Michael Lewis, chez Norton. Et voir ci-dessous Steven Case !

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Quelques trucs et contacts

StarOffice a été distribué à tous les visiteurs de Telecom 99. Facile à installer il permet au moins de visionner tous les documents sans devoir acheter les suites bureautiques les plus chères.

For as low as $44.95, Concentric offers E-commerce plans that include both a Web hosting account and e-commerce functionality. Plus, as a Symantec customer, you'll receive a discount when you sign up. http://smallbiz.symantec.com/sym23.cfm?JID=7&PID=144355


You've dreamed about hitting the big time over night-- suddenly running a 1,000 employee operation; checking your company's share price on the stock ticker. While companies can grow rapidly, you'll need to make a solid plan for success. You'll have to invest in the right people and technology. Learn the most effective ways to help your company move into the fast lane. http://smallbiz.symantec.com/sym23.cfm?JID=9&PID=144355

Small Bookstores Team Up To Battle Giants
Brick-and-mortar hardware stores use buying cooperatives to help stave off the impact of giant competitors like Home Depot. Now booksellers are taking the same approach online. To compete against Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/ , a coalition of independent bookstores is launching Booksense.com http://www.booksense.com/ .

Microsoft Launches Small Business Information Site
Microsoft has launched its bCentral Website,http://www.bcentral.com/ a portal focused on the needs of small and growing companies.

The Microsoft site competes with a number of established and newly-formed business-centric portals. Netscape's Netcenterhttp://www.netcenter.com/ is an early leader, but Yahoo http://dir.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/ and Lycos http://www.lycos.com/business/ have put their resources into this area, as have Citibankhttp://www.bizzed.com/ and several major banks.

Brokerage Fees: Going, Going, Gone?
Purchasing shares through a brokerage house used to cost hundreds of dollars per trade just a few years ago. Online brokers slashed those fees to $29.95 per trade, then $14.95, then $9.95. Is the next step $0.00 per trade? Some industry watchers think so.
"There is a war with the online brokerages right now. All of them are increasing their advertising spending," Richard Repetto, an analyst with Lehman Brothers, told the CNET news service. "If they can't get customers with their advertising and marketing, they have to attract them with prices," with no-cost trades as the logical result.
American Express http://br1.americanexpress.com/amex/bu/fd/cda/main/1,1484,L-2,00.asp has already taken a step in that direction. It recently announced it will launch an online brokerage, and that customers who maintain a substantial balance in their accounts will get commission-free trades. Last March, when the Dow index closed above 10,000 for the first time, online broker E*Trade http://www.etrade.com/ held a one-day promotion during which customers could buy or sell the 30 stocks in the Dow index commission-free.

Teen Idol and Net Mogul Promote Philanthropy
Steven Case, the CEO of America Online, and teen singer Justin Timberlake of the rock group 'N Sync joined President Clinton at a White House Conference on Philanthropy. The aim of the conference was to cajole more giving by those who have enjoyed the benefits of the current economic boom. "You feel better about the good fortune you have...if you spend at least a little of it giving something to someone else," President Clinton told the executives, investors and community group leaders gathered at the White House. In 1998, Americans donated about $174.5 billion, or about 2 percent of the nation's gross domestic product.
Case, who has become a billionaire thanks to the performance of AOL stock, said his firm has underwritten the cost of a Website, Helping.orghttp://www.helping.org/ , which provides information to potential donors on some 620,000 charities. The Website won't stimulate the desire to give, Case acknowledged - "that has to happen in your family or your church or through a spotlight in the culture on the importance of giving back." But, he said, "it does make the process for giving back a lot easier."

Oh, the Mistakes Spokespeople Make: Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Blow an Interview
Doc #8922

Oh, the Mistakes Spokespeople Make:
Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Blow an Interview
by Steve Bennett, Media Mentor
Question: What do many new spokespeople at technology companies have in common? Answer: they make similar mistakes and fall into similar traps. Based on my experience as a media trainer, the most common ones include:
1. Misunderstanding the Media. Too many spokespeople confuse PR opportunities with free advertising. Ouch! No reporter, editor, or host wants to be a billboard for your products or service; their job is to provide interesting and useful information to their readers or audience. And if you help them do so, you'll maximize your chances of positive coverage.
2. Misunderstanding the Spokesperson Role. Some, spokespeople think that they're on a sales call when they meet the press. So they toss out puffery or hyperbole, or try to "close on the objection." Then they become frustrated by the "poor" coverage, if any, that they receive. The key is simple: inform, don't sell.
3. Lacking Message Points. At first blush, it might seem that telling spokespeople to have message points is as obvious as telling them to wear clothes during an interview. But in fact, many spokespeople do arrive metaphorically naked for interviews - bereft of key message points. Deliver several strong messages well, and you might just see them in print or on the air.
4. Unleashing a Core Dump. When spokespeople feel the need to educate the interviewer about everything that could be known about their products, services, or companies, the interview loses focus. An effective spokesperson knows when to cut to the chase and assess what level of detail the interviewer is seeking.
5. Over-Answering. Most inexperienced spokespeople don't know when to stop talking. By babbling on, they increase their chances of being misquoted or driving the interview off-topic. Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory- keep answers short and to the point.
6. Failing to Listen. A guaranteed way to irritate an interviewer is to interrupt or finish his or her questions. You need to establish a rapport and communicate respectfully - just as you would with a colleague or friend.
7. Speaking in Jargon. It's tough for spokespeople to adjust their technical level to that of the interviewer. But it's also critical. If you talk over the interviewer's head, you'll decrease the chances of an accurate write up; if you "dumb down" the information for a technologically sophisticated interviewer, you'll decrease the chances of getting the kind of coverage you desire.
8. Missing the "So What?" Too often, spokespeople focus on the intricacies of their technology and forget that ultimately, the game is about offering a better value proposition for your customers. Demonstrate how your products and services solve your customers problems and help them achieve their goals.
9. Trashing Competitors. Spokespeople can easily lose credibility if they boast about overthrowing the 800 pound gorilla in their market space. Far better to talk about the unique features and advantages of your offerings and how you plan to increase market share. In short, take the high road when it comes to competitors - you'll do more to increase your chances of obtaining the good press you deserve.
10. Playing Tug of War. Some spokespeople believe that they need to come across as "tough," so that they can control the interview through intimidation. Bad idea; you might win a battle or two, but you'll still lose the war: victory goes to he or she who controls the ink. So be a smart player and check your ego at the door. Are there other mistakes spokespeople can make during an interview? Sure. But if they can avoid the "Big Ten," they'll maximize their chances of a successful experience with the media.

Copyright © 1999 Steve Bennett. Reproduced by the Edward Lowe Foundation with permission from the author.
Steve Bennett
P.O. Box 382903
Cambridge, MA 02238-2903
Tel: 617-492-0442
Fax: 617-491-8943


Updated on 1999 novembre 04 at 07:53:30 Webmaster - E-mail Webmaster